I am an ECO-Rep here at Keene State College.
My job is to educate KSC students about environmental sustainability and going green.
The ECO-Reps and R.O.C.K.S. (Recycling On Campus Keene State) workers came together to form a crew for Pumpkin Lobotomy.
Together, we helped to make the event run smoothly.
You might have seen us handing out pumpkin gut buckets, organizing and collecting carving tools, emptying pumpkin guts into composting toters, weighing toters and even collecting pumpkin seeds.
Sodexo took our separated seeds and roasted them. They were then served in the Dining Commons.
Our main purpose during Pumpkin Lobotomy however, was keeping the quad tidy.
Our crews composted over 3,000lbs of pumpkin guts and newspaper total!
As you may know, over 2,000 pumpkins were brought to Fiske Quad. Most of these pumpkins were carved and transported downtown by the Grounds crew.
However, there were pumpkins left over.
Of those pumpkins, the R.O.C.K.S. crew donated 50 to the community kitchen for local families to carve.
Pumpkin Lobotomy was such a great success for our crews and KSC as a whole!
Thank you to everyone who came out to carve and compost! With Pumpkin Lobotomy and October behind us, the ECO-Reps are shifting our focus to food waste.
You will see us in the Dining Commons conducting food audits during the month of November.
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about ECO-Reps, come visit us in Joslin 002 or check out our page at facebook.com/keenestatecollegeecoreps.
We would love to talk to you about environmental sustainability and going green!
With Thanks,
Brittany LaFleur
Keene State College ECO-Rep